
26th Workshop on Aggression

The Nature and Prevention of Political Violence
Foto: Anne Günther (Universität Jena)

Vom 10. - 12. November 2022 findet in den Rosensälen der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena der "26. Workshop on Aggression" statt – eine internationale Konferenz zu politischer Gewalt, Aggression und Radikalisierung. 

Auf unserer dreitägigen Konferenz stehen Hauptvorträge von Prof. Arie W. Kruglanski, Prof. Tina Malti, Dr. Sophia Moskalenko und Dr. Sophia Moskalenko sowie 13 Panels auf dem Programmpdf, 3 mb des Workshops on Aggression. Die Konferenzsprache ist Englisch.

Weitere Informationen über den Ablauf des Workshops on Aggressionen, die Präsentationen und die Panels finden Sie auf der Website der Konferenz: Link 

Key Speakers – Hauptvorträge

  • Arie Kruglanski
    Foto: Arie Kruglanski
    Prof. Arie W. Kruglanski Am ersten Tag begrüßen wir Prof. Arie W. Kruglanski als unseren ersten Hauptredner, der über "Frustration-Aggression Hypothesis Reconsidered: On the Psychology of Significance-Driven Hostility" referieren wird.
  • Tina Malti
    Foto: Tina Malti
    Prof. Tina Malti Am zweiten Tag wird Prof. Tina Malti als Hauptrednerin das Thema "Caring about Not-Caring: Using the Science of Social-Emotional Development to Prevent Violence" präsentieren.
  • Sophia Moskalenko
    Foto: Sophia Moskalenko
    Dr. Sophia Moskalenko Außerdem haben wir Dr. Sophia Moskalenko zu Gast, die über "The Role of Conspiracy Theories and Ideology in Mass Radicalization" sprechen wird.
  • Barbara Krahé
    Foto: Sandra Scholz
    Prof. Barbara Krahé Am letzten Tag haben wir Prof. Barbara Krahé zu Gast, die das Thema "Sexual Aggression among College Students in 15 Countries: Prevalence, Risk Factors, and Prevention" vorstellen wird.

Sessions – Panel Überblick

  • Session I.I: Social Psychology of Intergroup Hostility and Violence: Prejudice, Norms, Misrecognition, and Populism

    Clemens Lindner, Julia Elad-Strenger, Stefanie Hechler, Thomas Kessler: The bigot and tolerant, the aggressive and gentle personality: The attribution error in social science illustrated with the case of prejudice

    Pascal Gelfort, Thomas Kessler, David Urschler: Social norms and prejudice
    Mete Sefa Uysal, Carina Hoerst, Sofia Stathi, Thomas Kessler: Right-wing populism predicts support for hate crimes through national pride and moral justification of political violence

    Julia Elad-Strenger, Thomas Kessler: The role of misrecognition in driving support for right-wing populism

  • Session I.II: Teacher ́s Behavior, Classroom Climate, and Bullying

    Saskia M. Fischer, Peter J.R. Macaulay, Ludwig Bilz: Broadening the contextual perspective on bullying: Direct and cross-level interaction effects between staff communication climate, classroom climate, and students’ bullying experiences

    Dziuginta Baraldsnes: Investigating teachers’ perceptions of school climate
    Karlien Demol, Karine Verschueren, Christina Salmivalli, Hilde Colpin: Uncovering teachers’ bystander behaviors in bullying: A qualitative study

    Isik Ulubas, Johan Korhonen, Kaj Björkqvist: Victimization from aggression, perceived ethnic discrimination, and sense of school belonging among the adolescents in Finland: A mediation

  • Session I.III: Predictors and Risk Factors for Aggressive Behavior and Violence

    Tyler Colasante, Tina Malti: Physiological underarousal predicts clinically elevated aggression through lower guilt in childhood

    Sara-Marie Schön, Monika Daseking: Does the Situational Action Theory explain rule-breaking and dissocial behaviour committed together with friends?

    Julia Kansok-Dusche, Alexander Wettstein, Ludwig Bilz, Sebastian Wachs, Melisa Castellanos: Associations between social competence, perceived parents’ prosocial educational goals and adolescents’ hate speech perpetration in school

    Adebunmi Oyekola: Gang involvement among adolescents in Nigeria: Prevalence, risks and correlates

    Marie Kollek, Helge Schlueter, Renate Soellner: Honor endorsement in male youth: General risk factor for aggressive behavior?

  • Session II.I: Predictors and Development of Radicalization

    Allard Feddes: Extremist thinking and doing: A systematic review of empirical findings on the radicalisation process

    Sara Jahnke, Katharina Abad Borger, Andreas Beelmann: Predictors of youth radicalization: A systematic review and meta-analysis

    Fabienne Thijs, Elanie Rodermond, Edward Kleemans: From extreme ideas to violent and non-violent outcomes

    Andreas Beelmann: Radicalization as deviant social development. First empirical results of an integrated model

  • Session II.II: Reactions to Hate Speech and Bullying: Bystanding, Victim Support, and Counter Speech

    Marie Bedrosova, Nikol Kvardova, Hana Machakova: Bystanders’ victim blaming and minimizing consequences of weight-based cyberhate attacks: The roles of anti-fat attitudes, body-positive online content, and gender

    Peter Macaulay, Hedda Marx, Michael Boulton: Predicting adolescents’ intentions to support victims of bullying from expected reactions of friends versus peers

    Zhi Zhang, Stephanie Pieschl: Cyberbullying on Instagram: An investigation into the impact of bystander numbers, anonymity and empathy on bystander behavioural intentions

    Anja Schultze-Krumbholz, Hanna Lehmkuhl, Mario Schimanski: Reactions to online hate speech and counter speech – Results from a pilot study using experience sampling

  • Session III.I. Prevention of Prejudice, Hate, and Radicalization

    Sebastian Lutterbach, Andreas Beelmann: Everything OK in preventing prejudice and hate? Evidence and future research issues

    Laura Sterba, Andreas Beelmann: Preventing radicalization via early prejudice prevention. Effects of the PARTS program

    Friedrich Lösel, Irina Jugl, Sonja King, Doris Bender: Prevention of extremism and violent radicalization: An international survey and meta-analysis

  • Session III.II: Online Hate Speech – Reviews and Surveys

    Laura Dellagiacoma: The empirical links between online hate speech and hate crime: a systematic literature review

    Vladimir Bojarskich, Tobias Rothmund: A Scoping review on the relationship between political Ideology and online hatred

    Rohangis Mohseni, Nicola Döring: Motives of perpetrators, bystanders, and victims of online hate speech: Results from a national sample of internet users in Germany

  • Session IV.I: Religious and Political Extremism and Violence

    Miriam Müller-Rensch: Odin vs. Allah: The “sacralization of violence” of the Far-Right and Global Jihad

    Rebecca Bondü: Leaking as a warning sign for islamist terrorist attacks

    Denis van de Wetering: The interplay of aggression, implicit gender-knowledge and masculine identity: Findings from a qualitative study of disengagement and deradicalisation processes involving former right-wing extremists

    Fabian Hess, Elisa Merkenschlager, Immo Fritsche: Quest for significance and group-based control as possible motivations underlying radicalization into violence? Difficulties in demonstrating loss of significance effects on radicalization in three experiments

  • Session IV.II: Prevention and Intervention of Bullying and Hate Speech

    Chloë Finet, Heidi Vandebosch, Anouck Lubon, Hilde Colpin: Evaluation of an intervention to support teachers in tackling bullying and promoting positive classroom relationships: first findings

    Christoph Burger, Dagmar Strohmeier, Lenka Kollerova: Effects of teacher interventions on bullying roles: A longitudinal study

    Adam Klocek, Monika Kotrbová, Marek Pour, Egle Havrdová, Lenka Kollerová: Initial evaluation of the implementation of the KiVa anti-bullying program in the Czech Republic

    Jan Pfetsch, Duygu Ulucinar: Reducing online hate speech through a preventive intervention for adolescents – Effects on attitudes, self-efficacy and knowledge about hate speech

  • Session V.I: Populism and Civil Conflicts

    Rebekka Kesberg, Matthew Easterbrook: Would you condemn the sacrifice of political enemies?

    Amelie Freiberg, Juliana Tappe Ortiz: Too young to care? – Rebel leaders’ age and violent display in civil conflicts

    Tisa Bertlich, Anne-Kathrin Bräscher, Sylvan Germer, Michael Witthöft, Roland Imhoff: Conspiracy believers as lone wolves? People who believe in conspiracies feel lonelier on average, but loneliness and conspiracy mentality do not influence each other over time.

    Larissa Laurer, Eva Lermer, Julius Wolff, Peter Fischer, Matthias F. C. Hudecek: Why do they march? A conceptual framework on motivational and affective drivers for engaging in protests against anti- COVID-19 measures

  • Session V.II: Consequences of Bullying and Cyber Hate

    Marina Camodeca, Valentina Levantini, Nicolò Maria Iannello: The contribution of Bullying, Victimization, and Alexithymia to Somatic Complaints in Preadolescents

    Lenka Kollerová, Tracy M. Sweet, Jung-Jung Lee, Lisa Bardach, Melanie Killen: Peer rejection negatively affects subsequent academic motivation regardless of gender context of the rejection

    Hannah Brett, Alice Jones Bartoli, Peter K. Smiths: What about us? A qualitative exploration of bullying involvement for foster children

    Petra Gradinger, Dagmar Strohmeier: Does coping, parental and teacher discussions mediate the relationship between online hate victimization and well-being (online and face2face)

  • Session VI. I: Challenges to Democratic Citizenship in Adolescence

    Astrid Körner, Katharina Eckstein, Peter Noack: Young and prone to populist ideas? –Facets and effects of populist attitudes in middle adolescence

    Anna-Maria Mayer, Philipp Jugert: How media content shapes affect towards political institutions via populistic attitudes – A daily diary study among adolescents

    Marta Miklikowska, Katharina Eckstein, Katarzyna Jasko, Jan Serek: Active, passive, standby? – Types of political activity and its correlates in youth

  • Session VI.II: Risk Factors for Sexual Aggression, Fantasies, and Crimes

    Isabell Schuster, Paulina Tomaszewska, Barbara Krahé: Links of perceived pornography realism with sexual aggression via sexual scripts, sexual behavior, and acceptance of sexual coercion: A study with German university students

    Kotryna Stupniakek, Rebecca Bondü: The everyday experience of aggressive fantasies and associations with violent media consumption

    Tanita Rumpf, Stefanie Horn, Catharina Vogt, Kristin Göbel, Thomas Görgen, Kim-Marie Zibulski, Vanessa Uttenweiler, Rebecca Bondü: Leaking among intimate partner homicide perpetrators. A systematic review.


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